An Original Series | Genre: Drama

  • "Classified" is an original scripted drama series produced for Telstra, Australia's largest telecommunications and technology brand. This cyber security series was designed to engage and educate over 40,000 employees worldwide on critical cyber security threats and preventative measures. Utilizing a narrative format similar to bingeable TV series, "Classified" explores topics like phishing, Wi-Fi security, social engineering, malware, and information disclosure through compelling characters and realistic situations, making complex information accessible and memorable.

  • Telstra faced the significant challenge of raising cyber security awareness among a diverse and widespread workforce. Previous efforts focused on facts and technical jargon failed to resonate with employees, who often felt disconnected from the material. The goal was to create a campaign that would break through the noise of typical internal communications, differentiate itself, and achieve top-of-mind awareness by humanizing the issue and making it relatable to everyday experiences.

  • Telstra launched a 12 week cyber security campaign which included employee workshops, news articles, cyber drills, live events, hacking demos, and social media posts. The campaign was themed around Classified, from movie posters to email banners – and it went on to be Telstra’s most successful company-wide cyber security campaign to date. MSQUARE also benchmarked Classified’s performance which has succeeded at the top 90th percentile worldwide – outperforming the majority of videos in its class. Off the back of it’s success, Classified has been co-developed by MSQUARE and Telstra as a security training program for Telstra customers and has been adopted and successfully rolled into other major organizations including Vodafone NZ, Victoria Supreme Court, Real Estate Australia, Ventura Home Group and more.


An Original Series